Home Care Services Recognizing the need for assistance, whether for yourself or a loved one, to maintain independence can be a humbling experience. It can become even more complex with the multitude of service options, numerous home care companies, and varying opinions on what’s best. Pinnacle Services empathetically addresses this need by offering a range of home care services, including Home Health Aide, Homemaker, and Companion services. Home Health-Care Available Each service option is customizable to meet individual needs. Pinnacle Services prioritizes providing only the necessary assistance to preserve the dignity of independence. Services are adaptable and may evolve as circumstances and requirements change over time. Service Options: Home Health Aide services may encompass: Assistance with self-administration of medications Aid with dressing, bathing, and grooming Positioning and mobility support Assisting with transfers (including pivot-transfers, two-person transfers, and mechanical transfers) Skin care and toileting assistance Supervision or physical assistance with feeding, as well as cueing Delegated tasks such as exercise routines, skin care, blood pressure and glucose monitoring assistance, nebulizer treatments, and routine catheter care including overnight drainage bag changes Homemaker or Companion services may include: Housekeeping duties Laundry services Meal preparation Grocery shopping Assisting with appointment scheduling Transportation assistance Contact us today to learn more about our services!
County: Hennepin (Minneapolis)
All information is dynamic and can change by the respective companies listed herein at ANYTIME. Use this guide as a reference point ONLY. We believe the information herein it is accurate but not guaranteed and may not be current as we are not able to update all information.
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