Parmly Lakeview Apartments

  • Parmly Lakeview Apartments

  • 10600 282nd St
  • Chisago City, MN 55013


Payment Types for Services:

  • Call

Facility Info:




Basic Services:

  • Call

Dining Details:


About Parmly Lakeview Apartments

At the core of our mission is a faith-based tradition of supporting individuals and families in their pursuit of health and well-being. Originating in 1862 as Lutheran foster care for refugees in Minnesota, our organization has since expanded significantly in scope, reach, and ambition. Today, our team members, residents, and patients come from diverse backgrounds, contributing to the rich tapestry of experiences within our communities across multiple states. Guided by strong leadership and a dedication to innovation, we have become a prominent and acclaimed nonprofit provider, developer, and operator of living spaces and services for older adults and their families. Each day, our communities are dedicated to ensuring the health, safety, and connection of individuals. Additionally, our consulting services and technology solutions are sought after nationwide, with organizations eager to benefit from our expertise and license our technology. While we may not have all the answers, we are committed to asking the right questions that bring us closer to realizing our vision.

  • Parmly Lakeview Apartments

  • 10600 282nd St
  • Chisago City, MN 55013


County: Chisago