Find your new home at GracePointe Crossings (Senior 65+). Conveniently located at 235 Fern St. N in the 55008 area of Cambridge, this community offers a range of amenities to enhance your living experience. Let our leasing team show you around and discover everything we have to offer. From on-site parking options to high-speed internet access and a community picnic area, you’ll find everything you need to love where you live. Stop by for a visit today. GracePointe Crossings (Senior 65+) is an apartment community located in Isanti County, within the 55008 ZIP Code. It falls within the Cambridge-Isanti Public School District attendance zone.
County: Isanti
All information is dynamic and can change by the respective companies listed herein at ANYTIME. Use this guide as a reference point ONLY. We believe the information herein it is accurate but not guaranteed and may not be current as we are not able to update all information.
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