Freeborn Manor Apartments offers an unparalleled blend of comfort, quality, and design. Nestled in the heart of Cannon Falls on Hoffman St. W, this community is a prime location for a relaxing lifestyle. Our dedicated team is eager to assist you in finding the perfect floorplan to meet your needs. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore our current floorplan options. It’s time to love where you live. Stop by for a visit today. Freeborn Manor Apartments is an apartment community located in Goodhue County and the 55009 ZIP Code. This area is served by the Cannon Falls Public attendance zone.
County: Goodhue
All information is dynamic and can change by the respective companies listed herein at ANYTIME. Use this guide as a reference point ONLY. We believe the information herein it is accurate but not guaranteed and may not be current as we are not able to update all information.
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