Underground Garage, Call
Please call regarding the availability of underground parking.
Building Amenities:
To view this property or learn more about ANY real estate listing- contact John Mazzara with RE/MAX Results-7700 France Ave S #230, Edina MN 55435 612-386-7027,
John can represent you and your best interests with regards to a purchase or sale. In addition, John can provide lots of valuable information about both this property and the overall Twin Cities real estate marketplace. John is not the listing agent for this specific property or community. John has helped in over 1200 transactions- buying, selling, or investing in real estate- helping others achieve their dreams through real estate since 1986!
County: Hennepin (Minneapolis)
All information is dynamic and can change by the respective companies listed herein at ANYTIME. Use this guide as a reference point ONLY. We believe the information herein it is accurate but not guaranteed and may not be current as we are not able to update all information.
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