Is it Time for Me to Move?

Self Assessment for Older Adults on When to Move

 Is it time for you or one of your loved ones to move, in order to have a more rewarding or less worrisome life? This quick quiz can help you decide. If you answer “Yes” to five or more statements, you should: consider looking for housing that better fits your needs or start exploring ways to modify your house or your activities and responsibilities to make your daily life more satisfying and secure.

1. Stairs and other structural features make it difficult for me or my spouse to move around in the house, and I worry about falls.

2. My neighborhood doesn’t feel as safe as it used to feel.

3. The property values in my neighborhood have gone up so much that I worry about being able to pay my taxes.

4. I can’t maintain my house and my yard the way I would like to.

5. I have a hard time remembering to take all my medications.

6. If I couldn’t drive, I would not be able to get to the grocery story, to doctor’s appointments, to religious services and important social events.

7. I sometimes forget to tend to daily tasks.

8. I’d like to travel, but I don’t, because I worry about my home.

9. My family and friends aren’t able to visit me or help me as much as they would like because we live too far apart.

10. I am not eating the way I should.

11. I worry a lot about the future.

12. I would like someone else to tend to housekeeping, cooking meals, and untangling things like monthly bills, health insurance, and other paperwork.

13. It is becoming a struggle to care for myself or my spouse in our current home.

14. Now that being near work and schools aren’t major considerations, I’d like to be closer to the people and places that play significant roles in my current life.

15. I would like to attend more events and/or have more visitors; I feel lonely.