A Second Pair of Shoes

A Second Pair of Shoes

Nearly everyone knows someone who’s got a knack for storytelling—one who recalls incidents and individuals they’ve encountered over their lifetime in ways that make their experience feel universal. Their anecdotes bring nods of recognition, smiles, chortles, sometimes even tears! Ray Kenneth Gullickson is that kind of “storyteller.”

But, Ray gave this book a broad appeal by including old travel postcards and antique photographs, plus more than thirty of his own wonderful illustrations! Ray’s drawings provide an historical record of life on a typical farm in the American Midwest during the 1930s and 40s—all within the context of charming true stories.

But there’s one more surprise that makes “A Second Pair of Shoes” unique and truly special. Readers are given the opportunity (and space) to record their personal memories and save mementoes within the pages of “A Second Pair of Shoes.” This makes it easy to pass along your own personal legacy!

An award-winning writer in the financial field, this is Ray’s first venture into nonfiction narrative. He and wife, Carol, reside at Cardinal Pointe Senior Living Cooperative in Maplewood, Minnesota. They’ve been married more than 60 years and have 3 grown children, 5 beloved grandchildren and one very spoiled cat named Cinder.

Ray Gullickson, Author of "A Second Pair of Shoes"

Ray Gullickson, Author of “A Second Pair of Shoes”

Now in his 80s, Ray hopes that “A Second Pair of Shoes” will inspire others to preserve their treasured memories so they can be shared with friends, loved-ones and future generations.

Get your “Second Pair of Shoes” (or copies for those you love) at: http://asecondpairofshoes.bigcartel.com/

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Roberta Foster is a freelance writer living in St. Paul, MN. She can be reached at robynrlp@comcast.net.